Start Here
If you are interested in this system, or think you may benefit from the changes it will bring about, this is the best way to proceed.
1. If you were introduced to the system by another, ask them to mentor you. If you came upon this system on your own, hit the forum or email and/or join our google group to get matched with a mentor. If you have completed the Da'ath working and are willing to be a mentor, please email me.
2. Learn the Black Sun Casting, practice it daily until it is automatic for you. Again if you need help with this please email the email above or hit up the forums.
3. Learn the Garden Meditation, again work with your mentor or follow the pages information and hit up the forums. One of the most important part of the Garden is the direct experience and the interpretation of that. Your mentor and the forums are vital for this.
4. Begin the Da'ath working. I do not recommend this without a mentor. If you have not found one, contact the email above and you will have someone walk you through this process. Know that the complete Da'ath working could take up to a year or longer.
5. Once you have completed the Da'ath working mentor someone and start a personal working.
Your mentor is only there to guide you, there is no hierarchy in Templi De Niger Sol, the whole process is to bring about a personal experience and transformation. No one should ever charge you money or ask you to perform any task other than the work mentioned above for this process.
Templi de Niger Sol
The Temple of the Black Sun