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Our History

The Black Sun System of magick as set down by Templi De Niger Sol is an all inclusive  harmonic system of magick that is accessible and workable by anyone regardless of their  magickal background or lack of magickal background. It is a way to destroy and create,  transform and purify the self in whatever manner that they may see fit. Although much of its philosophy may be steeped in esoteric thought and concepts, the belief or understanding of them is purely academic and is not a requirement for this system to work. It is only included here to satisfy the curious mind.


The System of the Black Sun was developed originally as a form of magickal alchemy, the transformation of self. It has since been realized that this system could be used to effect change on all levels for a myriad of reasons. It could be used to become one with the Divine or to become the Divine. Thus far the potential of this system has only begun to be exploited. It is a dynamic system that can easily be adapted and utilized in many different ways with many different results. It is being presented in the spirit of scientific illuminism and the hope that those that work with it will help it to evolve into a new aeon system of workable, practical magick.


Throughout the ages many magickal and philosophical systems have been taught. From the primitive shamanic traditions to the complex Elizabethan systems all of them had primarily the same goal. To bestow upon the practitioner the presence of the Divine, or to become Divine oneself. Very few systems, however, have tried to bridge the gap between the many diverse libraries of symbols and bring them into one workable system. The system of the Black Sun not only does this, but does it in such a way, that the most complex of systems become attainable to the practitioner. It is a system that can be as complex or as simple as one would wish. Most important, because it is based on archetypal images and symbols, it is a very powerful tool for transformation.


The Black Sun System as taught by Templi De Niger Sol can be used by anyone, regardless of their beliefs. It was developed to utilize all beliefs. It is a universal system of magick or self transformation. Although the process of transformation is never a simple one, the system itself is very simple. It is a harmonious system of magick that is able to draw from any culture or belief utilizing archetypes to categorize the universal energies that are the center of all belief structures. It is in essence the science of magick with workable, predictable workings of trans-formative power.


The system of the Black Sun evolved out of the idea that not any one philosophy holds all truth, but that all of them have pieces of the truth. The idea was to find one system that could utilize any doctrine or utilize several doctrines toward a common goal. Being a student of the occult I was drawn to the kabbalah system as a starting point, since this system had already been cross referenced and provided a good filing cabinet of symbols. I soon realized that although the kabbalah system was extensive, it had its limits and as will be later explained had limits in the birthing of energy or the creative process on an energy level. Even with these limitations it provided a good base on which to build.


The next step was to overcome the limitations of the kabbalah Tree of Life. Little did I know at the time, that not only would this system overcome those limits but also add to the system in a way that would change the way path working on the tree of life is performed. 


The accepted Tree of Life was composed of 10 Spheres called Saphiroth and 22 paths connecting them. Each path has a list of correspondences such as planets, tarot cards, deities and so on. However, it still tries to fit everything in the universe into 32 cabinets. I wanted to expand those paths to include all possible symbols and hence gain access to their archetypal energy. So at this point I made the first leap and turned to the fabric of the Tree of Life, number. The ancient Hebrews believed that all words had a corresponding number and that number represented the nature or essence of that word or phrase. They further concluded that any group of words or phrases with the same number were related in some mystical way. This idea was what I was looking for and it made sense on a pure vibrational level. For example, if you strike a C note on a piano and then strike a C note up or down an octave the notes will harmonize. The idea behind Hebrew Gematria is the same, words with the same number are different octaves of the same note. Using this ancient science it was possible to utilize an unlimited number of symbols and use them together harmonizing them through their pure or mystical number associations. Looking at this further I realized that all languages have a numeric equivalent. This began my intense study of numerology as the unifying factor within the system.


In looking into numerology I found that most western systems are based on Pythagorean' base nine systems. This of course was too limited for the kind of work that I had in mind. It did however give me a good beginning system for the interpretation of numbers outside of a magickal system. In other words I gained a firm understanding of numbers as an archetype at this time. I decided to adopt the Hebrew method of keeping the numbers whole instead of reducing them to base nine as done in Pythagorean' numerology. For example in Pythagorean' numerology 45 would be reduced to 9 through addition (4+5=9). This again tries to reduce everything in the universe into 9 cabinets, far too limited for my use. This is why I opted to keep the numbers large with no limitation. After all you can count forever and so it has no end. So I had found a way to symbolize and unify everything within the universe by using pure and mystical number.


The study of numerology also introduced me to sacred geometry as Plato described it.  Plato much like the ancient Hebrews thought that everything was number and harmony.  He took it a step further and said that all number can be represented by geometry as validated by nature. This was my second breakthrough. Now I had a way to symbolize number and hence a way to symbolize anything in the universe through a united system.  In further exploration I discovered that Plato's theories were proved by science as man began to shape the universe and DNA. Through all of this research I concluded three things that would become the basis for the Black Sun System of magick. 1) All things can be represented by number and that any group of things with the same number are similar in nature. 2) All things then can be represented by geometry. 3) Since geometry is inherent in nature, the geometric symbol for any one thing can be said to be an energetic representation of that thing.


It was at this point that I started to experiment with geometric figures and number as a form of magick. I began very simply by drawing the symbols on paper and meditating on them. Through this I experienced a definite shift in consciousness and I realized that my consciousness began to vibrate at that same frequency over time. I then began to meditate while visualizing the symbol around me, it was at that moment that I began to realize the full potential of the system. First of all the figures became active when doing this and were no longer stagnate glyphs, but spinning dynamic active energy. I also noticed that my aura began to vibrate at that rate and so things associated with that number would appear in my life. It has been so long that I cannot recall specific examples however it was very much like Carl Jung's idea of synchronicity and many of the things I did not realize were associated with the number until later.


I expanded these experiences to see if it would have the same effect on things other than myself. I would visualize figures around people and see if their behavior reflected that of the number and in every case it would make an obvious change in both their energy and actions. Their own energy would feed the glyph and because it was geometric and accord in nature naturally they would not reject it and accepted it as their own energy. Quite frankly these experiments began to frighten me at that point. I realised there was great potential for the abuse of such a system. It was one notable thing that kept me continuing on. I noticed that harmony and balance was always the end result. In other words if I used a certain figure on myself or another the figure would cause them to vibrate to pure number and any kind of unbalance was brought to the surface or corrected. It was then that I realized that although I may have intent, the pure number only sought to restore harmony.


Two notable experiences during this time helped me realize the nature and power of this form of geometric magick. I was at a sporting event, specifically for the reason of trying out the system. I picked someone out in the crowd and placed a blueish square around them and vibrated the god name EL which in Hebrew is equal to four, hence the square. Then placed the same thing around myself and vibrated the name. Within moments the chosen subject walked straight up to me and started a conversation. We remained friends for several years. Four being the number of Jupiter and hence kindness and friendship. This experiment I thought of as a major success.


After this success I wanted to try another in order to see the power and limits of the system. I went to a club for the purpose of testing my theory. I placed a green seven pointed star over the crowd and vibrated the God Name associated with it, and almost immediately the crowd began to spontaneously lose control in a dancing frenzy. Seven being the number of Venus and Babylon this was the expected result. I then again realized that the natural nature of geometry made it a very power form of magick indeed. This I thought combined with the use of archetypes and divine names of the same vibration would be a philosophers stone of a magickal system.


The next step took several years of working with the system. I was looking for a way to bring ideas into manifestation. In other words I wanted to be able to take an idea of something, represent that idea with number through geometric figures and use that figure to create or destroy that Idea. I once again turned to the kabbalah for this. In the kabbalah each stage of manifestation is represented by one of the four worlds. The idea of the four worlds was close to what I was looking for, but it had some gaps to fill in before it would be useful for my purposes. I first decided that the three negative realms needed to be included to represent the idea itself. The Hebrews represent the three stages before manifestation as Ain (nothing), Ain Soph (No Limit), and Ain Soph Ur (Unlimited Light). Then I included the Hebrew idea of the Adonai or Higher Self to bridge the gap between Ain Soph Ur and Atzaluth (emanation) the first of the four qabalistic worlds. I included all four of the Qabalistic worlds so that left me with Assiah or the world of action as my final stage. In the kabbalah Assiah is the physical world but was not enough for what I wanted to do. I wanted a form of magickal alchemy, so Assiah would be fine for practical magickal workings, but not enough to truly alter the self. So I went further and included Adam (Hebrew for human) for the actual body and Ruach for the soul. The final stage was a bit more modern but served my purpose. I used the modern Hebrew word for the atomic, Atovam.


Through filling in the gaps I ended up with Eleven stages taking me from Nothingness to the Atomic. I then had a complete system with 11 stages of manifestation and able to represent anything with the universe. Then came some very mystical revelations that let me know that I was on the correct path.


The famed occultist Aleister Crowley presented a book called "Liber Vel Legis" or the Book of the Law. It was supposedly channeled through his wife Rose and told the story of the God of the Aeon. The story goes as follows, every 2000 or so a new energy takes over the universe as it were. Each Aeon is represented by an Egyptian Deity to give insight into the nature of the energy. This theory has some validation through history. The first recorded Aeon was that of Isis, when the Goddess and pagan deities ruled, then was the advent of the Aeon of Osiris. This was the Aeon of the sacrificed God when Christianity ruled.  Crowley or Aiwass (the entity that Rose claimed to be channeling) talked of the New Aeon of Horus the crowned and conquering Child God that avenged his father's death. The Book of the Law was Horus' doctrine or the doctrine of the new aeon.


The book itself is composed of highly symbolic language that is kept many occultists reading it over and over trying to uncover its secrets. What fascinated me about the book was how it seemed to be talking about the very system that I was working on, much more has been revealed to me about this and will be discussed in a later chapter. The insight gave me a confirmation that I was not wasting my time and that this system had great potential.  First of all the book is divided into three sections. In each section there is a different Deity talking. First Nuit, the Sky Goddess, second Hadit the Winged Globe and thirdly Horus, God of the Aeon. What is interesting here is that Nuit represents the ever expanding universe, the Nothingness. So in my eyes it was the first Ray of the Black Sun, Ain. Hadit is the infinite smallness, and so is the last Ray of the Black Sun, Atovam. Ra-Hoor-Khuit or Horus is the result or child of the Aeon. So it was clear to me at that point that the Black Sun was Horus in some way. This revelation I later included in the casting of the Black Sun ritual included in this book.


Thus far I was fascinated by the implications and in reading further the book spoke of "the formula for the Aeon" being Abrahadabra. This word being composed of 11 letters matches the Black Sun giving a letter to each Ray. The book also talks about a new language, which in essence I had created through the geometric glyphs used in the system. It also mentioned the old rituals being replaced by new ones. All of this the Black Sun system had done. More on this is in a later chapter, but it was clear at this point that I had something of great value here. I began to then lay out a system of working this magick and several years later was approached by Tau Saga about beginning an order. At that moment I presented to her this system and she had many revelations of her own regarding it. Hence Templi De Niger Sol was born. Her conclusions were as follows.


Tau Saga on first examining the system asked me if the Black Sun was the process of creation, what would happen if the casting and workings were done backwards from Atovam to Ain? My answer was obvious to both of us, it would undo the creation process and return the idea to nothingness. This was quite a fascinating idea in the sense that it was now possible to truly recreate oneself. It is possible through this system to destroy one aspect of self and replace it with another or destroy a corrupt form and replace it with a harmonized form. The potential of this was great and I set out to experiment with that very idea. When doing so I found the feeling of complete emptiness easy to obtain and a natural vacuum ready to be filled with whatever I intended forming quit naturally. In pondering the qabalistic implications of all this we stumbled upon something else that will be discussed in greater detail in the esoteric history chapter. We realized that not only did the Black Sun represent Horus or the New Aeon energy it also was the hidden Saphireth on the Tree of life known as Da’ath. Da’ath is the eleventh Saphireth that is lost in the Abyss and so many magicians felt it was impossible to work with. 


She also observed in the casting that it was not so much a balanced system as a harmonising system. Meaning that it did not seek to balance dualism but instead harmonize dual aspects to the point that they acted as a complete whole. She realized that it could be worked in a right handed way to become one with god or a left handed way to become a god. She noted that no matter what ones intent was they would eventually achieve the same result. A harmonization with the universe in its purest form. She had seen deeper into the system than I had. This insight once again rekindled my excitement over the working and helped me to look at it as the powerful alchemical form of magick that it is.



Templi de Niger Sol

The Temple of the Black Sun

© 2013 Templi de Niger Sol 

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