Our Rays

The Eleven Rays of the Black Sun represent the stages that all things must go through in order to exist. It is a glyph of the creation process, Genesis revealed. Based on the Cabala idea of the Four worlds, it follows the creative process from Nothing to the atomic materialization. In this section I will break down each of the rays and the energies that dwell there. An understanding of the Eleven Rays is vital to the understanding of the rest of the system contained here.
The first Ray of the Black Sun is Ain, which is Hebrew for Nothing. It represents the idea itself, not yet having form or shape, or even thought. It is the concept of a thing. Ain is the dark womb from which all things come, the Darkness of Genesis. Mathematically it is .000 and is represented by three interlaced black circles to represent the ever expanding darkness. Ain corresponds to the idea of Nuit, for Nuit is the Mother of all and that which is ever expanding Its magickal weapon is a Black Sphere.
In the Darkness I conceive Thee.
Ain Soph
The second ray of The Black Sun is Ain soph, Hebrew for No Limit. It represents the two opposite extremes of the idea. All truth must contain its opposite in order to exist, in other words, light needs darkness, good needs bad and so on. So Ain Soph are those two opposites that will allow the energy to exist. It is the clashing of these two opposites that give it its power to exist. Like positive and negative electrons, both are needed for matter to exist. This is why it is without limit. There is an infinite amount of power derived by the clashing of the two opposites. Mathematically it is .00 and is symbolized by the symbol for infinity being two circles entangled. One half is white and the other Black, to symbolize the concept of the two opposites. Its magickal weapon is a White and Black Candle or tingsha bells to represent the clashing of the two energies.
Through thine opposites I empower Thee.
Ain Soph Ur
The third ray of The Black Sun is Ain Soph Aur, which is Hebrew for Unlimited Light. It is the energy released by the clashing of Ain soph and hence the unlimited light of creation. It is the Idea complete having balanced its opposites. It is also the resolution of the conflict in Ain soph through balance. It is the concept perfected. Mathematically it is .0 and is symbolized by an empty grey or silver circle. This represents the cosmic egg and its unlimited nature. It is grey to symbolize the mixing of the white and black of Ain Soph and the fact that its force is derived from them both.Its magickal weapon is a silver or grey candle.
Through Thine Balance I perfect Thee
The fourth ray of the Black Sun is Adonai, which is Hebrew for Lord or My Lord. In this case we use it in its more personal use as My Lord. Meaning the Higher Self or the Holy Guardian Angel. It is that power that guides us toward our works of greatness and is responsible for what we term Divine intervention. In this ray we find our perfected selves. So perfect in fact that it is beyond the physical, bridging the gap between the Unmanifest and the manifest. We find here the Lords of the Tree of Life and the Guiding intelligence. This is the seat of the God Head. Mathematically it is the decimal point. Being in between negative and positive, yet defining them both. We symbolize it by the symbol of Spirit, as a Brilliant spoked Wheel. Its magickal weapon is the Lantern, symbolizing the lamp that lights our way.
Through Thine Guidance I reveal Thee
The fifth ray of The Black Sun is Atziluth, Hebrew for Nobility or Emanation. It is the first manifested realm and corresponds with Fire. It is the world of Archetypes and so is the home of the Gods and Goddesses of all religions as well as the Demi-gods and Demi-goddessses. It is the transformative flame of the Passions and the Cleansing flame of the spiritual aspirations. It is symbolized by the red upright triangle of fire. Its magickal weapon is a red candle.
Through Thine passion I inflame Thee
The sixth ray of the Black Sun is that of Briah, Hebrew word for Creation. So it is obviously the ray were creation takes place after the cleansing of Atzuluth. It corresponds with water and so is symbolized by the blue inverted triangle of water. It is the home of all of the Arch angelic and Arch demonic forces. It is the watery ray of the emotions and so being is the muscle for all creation. Its magickal weapon is the cup.
Through Thine heart I createth Thee
The seventh Ray of the Black Sun is Yetzirah, Hebrew for Formation. It is the home to the Angelic Choirs and Demonic Legends. It corresponds to Air and so is symbolized by the Yellow Air Triangle. It is the mental realm were the formation takes place. Its magickal weapon is a Yellow Rose or the Censer.
With Thought I Form Thee
The eighth Ray of the Black Sun is Assiah, or Action in Hebrew. It is the visible universe and so corresponds to the element Earth. It is symbolized by the invert green Earth Triangle. It is the home to the Lower Angels and discarnate spirits. It is also the realm of planetary influence and planetary intelligence. Being Earth it is the world of the material universe. The first of the physical stages. Its magickal weapons are talismans, alphabets, the Earth Pentacle, and Bread.
On the Earth I give motion to Thee
The ninth ray of the Black Sun is Adam, Hebrew for Humanity and symbolizes the physical body. It is symbolized by the Earth Pentagram and is the realm of the flesh. It rules of the physical body and the body of god according to the cabala. Its magickal weapon is the body, and Salt.
With Thine body I Invoke Thee
The tenth ray of the Black Sun is Ruach, which is Hebrew for breath and is used here to represent the soul. It is the primitive animal soul within us. It is our inner motivation the star within us. It is symbolized by a black circle and cross and its magickal weapon is the lamp to represent the ever burning internal flame and the Black Mirror to represent the reflections into the soul.
In thine soul I become Thee
The final ray of the Black Sun is the Atomic realm and rules over matter itself. It is symbolized by the atomic symbol of circles overlapping like an opening flower and is the glue that holds all of the sun together. Its magickal weapon is an empty container. This is the final stop of the energy before it goes back into the darkness of Ain to begin the cycle over again.
Out of the Matter I Maketh Thee
Templi de Niger Sol
The Temple of the Black Sun